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Webinar Recap | Aug 12 | Cyber Security: Safeguard Your Business

Cybersecurity concerns arise with businesses in different sizes, especially when working from home is a new normal during the pandemic. Many reports show there has been a rapid increase in cyber threats since the outbreak of COVID-19, which has resulted in financial loss and information leakages.

We know that it is crucial to enable a secure workplace at home. This week, we invited our featured speaker, David Lam, Partner / CISO at Miller Kaplan Arase LLP to host an instructive virtual workshop and we talked about the following topics:

- COVID-19 impacts on cybersecurity issues

- How to identify potential cyber fraud

- A demonstration of a cyber attack

- Technical considerations for a secure workplace

We hope our members and friends find this webinar useful. You are more than welcome to connect with our speaker, see his contact information below,


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