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Event Recap | Annual Meeting & Board Election (2021 - 2023)

Annual General Meeting and Directors Election (2021 - 2023) were concluded successfully on Dec 16, 2020. This year, we had over 35 members & Directors to join the virtual meeting.

In the 2021—2023 board election, we had FOUR (4) nominees to fill the Board vacancies, and the members could vote for up to FOUR (4) nominees. Corporate Members were entitled to ONE (1) vote each regardless of the number of representatives attending. Each attendee had the opportunity to view our board candidates' bios and meet the board members.

FOUR (4) Directors were elected to run for their 2nd three years term:

  • Oliver Ko, Managing Partner, Fong, Ko & Associates, LLP, CPAs

  • Brian Rowbotham, Tax Partner, Crowe LLP

The following New Director were elected:

  • Yvonne Go, Director, Orient Bancorporation

  • Ken Ung, Partner and Founder, Xteam Design and Construction

The following New Board Officers were announced:

  • Chairwoman, Kory Lam, VP & Cluster Branch Manager, HSBC BANK (USA), N.A.

  • Vice-Chairwoman, Angela Cheung, Founder & President, Pillar Capital Group

  • Treasurer, Oliver Ko, Managing Partner, Fong, Ko & Associates, LLP, CPAs

  • Secretary, Cynthia Chow, Regional Vice President, KSSF Enterprises Ltd

Followed by HKANC Chairman, Mr. Wilson Lau announced his retirement of the Board Chair. The newly elected Chairwoman for 2021 - 2023, Ms. Kory Lam shared her goal and vision with our members in the coming years. She mentioned the following areas,

Connect virtually, connect to the world

In 2021, we will create more webinars to help businesses return to economic growth,

also networking events within HKANC and collaborate with other associations within the U.S. and in Hong Kong. It has been a tough year for everyone. In 2021, she wants to use HKANC as a platform to help our members come together quickly to recover in this current economy and make a stronger connection with each other. Also, expanding our network to the West Coast and even to the other HKA in the world to create more business opportunities.

Return businesses to normal

Kory also offered her sincere thanks to all of our members for their support throughout this challenging year. This support and cooperation among members of the Hong Kong Association community will be essential as we can help one another adjust to the post-pandemic environment. By working together, we can share knowledge and resources.

We sincerely thank you for our member's participation, for taking the time to reconnect with the association. Special thanks to United Airlines, our long-term supportive corporate member that sponsored flight tickets for the lucky draw. We look forward to more successful events and seeing members and friends in 2021.


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